“Unleashing the compounds of existence through ART, IMPACT, and COMMUNITY.”


cocoex aims to cultivate a vibrant COMMUNITY where ART and IMPACTFUL change coexist in harmonious synergy. We want to bring artists, creators and collectors together to support and inspire one another to create a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Muse explores the complexity of nature and life

identifying 7 global challenges where collective efforts can reach positive systemic change.

  • We are creating a narrative where creators have the opportunity to generate an impact through their art for initiatives that are close to them.

  • Muses is an art collection inspiring communities in supporting social impact.

    Each Muse embodies one of seven social causes.

    The convergence of sound, color and matter will be the representation of our Art.

  • Our journey transforms our Muses into NFTs, with the aim of using their sales to channel funds into social causes that deeply resonate with us and our community of creators.

Communities are vital to care for social connections, sharing knowledge, and driving collective action towards a common goal.

Our MUSEs will be cosmic beacons of inspiration for all who seek to ignite social change, illuminating the path through the COMET COLLAB!

comet collab I,


are sub-generated Artworks that belong to one of the seven MUSE constellations and recall their symbolism.

With limitless to the human creativity, STARDUST have no predefined form but are crafted to support social causes or calls to action selected by the Artists.

comet collab II,

collaboration sparks constellations of creativity towards a new HORIZON.

By initiating an HORIZON future lab*, the community will address a social issue related to a MUSE and follow a structured process to explore and develop solutions


How does the HORIZON future lab work?

step 1: Critique phase

explores the shadows of our current realities, identifying and addressing the challenges and obstacles we face.

step 2: Utopia

guides us into a vision of the future, where we imagine and design together a transformative, ideal world shaped by our aspirations and creativity. Sharing experiences from diverse backgrounds are the foundation upon which we build our vision.

step 3: Strategy

we define the steps needed to achieve our vision and evaluate existing solutions to see how they align with our ideal future. From the constellation of selected visions, we will choose one to light our path ahead.

step 4: Realization

With the help of designated creatives, we will transform the chosen vision into ART, creating a funding constellation to guide our journey forward. This fundraising will take two forms:

4a: Delegated Implementation - if the vision aligns with an existing funding initiative we will devolve the funds to it

4b: Kickstarter Implementation - if we need to ignite a new star through our community


I. horizon case study: Vinili&Vinelli

II. startdust case study: Cantine Volpi

III. Muses release and exhibition

IV. Muses sale and fundraise

JOIN the community!